Main Office: 541-230-1220 | Wildlife Hotline: 541-745-5324 | Intake Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Please call Wildlife Hotline before bringing in an animal, Waterfowl Restrictions in Effect
Be a part of preserving and protecting Oregon’s native wildlife
Your meaningful contribution of any amount will help us continue to inspire learners of all ages and from all backgrounds and provide medical care and aide to wild animals in need.
Our wildlife rehabilitation clinic treats over 2,000 wild animals in need annually, of all species native to Oregon. Our wildlife education program educates our community about the significance of wildlife and how we can help preserve their health and environment. We appreciate your support of our mission!
See below for all the different ways to support Chintimini Wildlife Center.

Your donation to Chintimini Wildlife Center is 100% tax-deductible due to our status as a 501(c)3, EIN: 94-3085445. If you have questions about charitable giving to Chintimini Wildlife Center, please reach out to!
Join the Ambassador Ally Program!

Chintimini Wildlife Center’s native, non-releasable raptor ambassadors love to interact with the community and educate about native Oregon wildlife and the threats that they often face. If you (or a loved one!) have a favorite raptor, become an ambassador ally today!
There are three supporter levels ($50, $250, $500) and something for everyone! Some of our exclusives include stickers, tote bags, custom certificates, and more!
For more information, check out the Ambassador Ally Program information!
Car Donation

Have an extra car that isn’t being used? Want to avoid the hassle of selling and get a great tax write off?
Donate it, and the funds go directly to Chintimini Wildlife Center! The process is easy, for more information or to donate click the link below!
Questions? Email or call 458-224-8272!
Planned Giving: Bequests, IRA’s, and more

Donate by Mail
Checks can be made out to Chintimini Wildlife Center and mailed to the address at the right.
If you’d like to designate your donation for a specific purpose, we are able to efficiently recognize and apply these designations:
- Wildlife Rehabilitation program
- Education Program (Animal Ambassadors)
- Youth Scholarships (the Nigel Rose Weber Memorial Fund)
For all other restricted funds, please contact us by phone or email first.
311 NW Lewisburg Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97330
Gifts In-Kind: Supplies, Materials, Services
Many opportunities are available for supporters to give supplies, materials, and services to the center for the benefit of the animals in our care. Please take a look at our Wish List of supplies and materials, and contact us to arrange for the donation.
Corporate Matching Gift Programs
We invite contributions through Corporate Matching Gift Programs, whereby many corporations match the gifts of their employees to charitable organizations like the Chintimini Wildlife Center.
Please give us a call or email if you have any questions about making a donation.
📞 (541) 230-1220