Main Office: 541-230-1220 | Wildlife Hotline: 541-745-5324 | Intake Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Please call Wildlife Hotline before bringing in an animal, Waterfowl Restrictions in Effect
Dyami the Bald Eagle
Dyami arrived in 2010 after suffering a gunshot wound to his shoulder. Chintimini Wildlife Center’s clinic staff worked tirelessly to save his wing and were successful, but he was left unable to fly well enough to survive on his own.
He joined our Raptor Education Program and has been an incredible ambassador for his species. Dyami is the king of the center! He loves to sit on his perches and survey his ‘kingdom’. He is often found announcing his presence to any passerby, so that they may know who really runs our wildlife center.
Dyami’s Ambassador Allies