Main Office: 541-230-1220 | Wildlife Hotline: 541-745-5324 | Intake Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Please call Wildlife Hotline before bringing in an animal, Waterfowl Restrictions in Effect
Evie the Gyrfalcon
Evie’s Story
Evie was hatched by a breeder in Washington in 2013 and was meant to work as a falconry bird. However, Evie had her own plan for her future and it did not include falconry or being a part of the breeding program. Since she had been imprinted on people, she was not able to be released. When it became clear that she was in need of a home that suited her more independent spirit, Chintimini Wildlife Center stepped in.
Evie loves two things more than anything in the world: food and tennis balls. She loves to grab her tennis ball toy in her talons and bring it up to show off to her caretakers, loudly announcing her ‘capture’.